So many analogies between writing and gardening. Both are life-affirming, and you are a master at both!

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That's high praise from the you Saralyn. Thank you! I often think about weeding, and pruning, necessary parts of writing and editing. I'm in the process right now with an older manuscript. Weeding out the redundancies and passive verbs. Planting action and clear dialogue. Cultivating a fast paced thriller that blooms into the best version of the story. I could go on and on-LOL!

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I'm glad you've found the balance. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the marketing and the writing that everyone tells you you have to do. Sisyphus? The other saying about writing is: You get your whole life to write your first book and one year to write your second. I have come to realize that I need more than that for another book.

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Thanks Carl. Depending on the book, I've found it takes me about 6 months to complete the first and second drafts, then about a year for editing and polishing. It is what it is.

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I love your gardening information that also served as a metaphor for what it takes to get a book from your heart and soul into the hands of readers. Congratulations for all you have achieved to "live the dream," and to have found a calm place within it. That is inspirational.

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Thanks Sherrill. Gardening is just another form of creativity that requires patience and practice. :)

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