I too did recitals for classical guitar. They were nerve wracking. The one that convinced me to become a banker was when I was in my twenties and studying music for a year at San Jose State. At the recital I was supposed to play a Bach piece by memory and lost myself in the middle of it. I couldn't remember the rest and had to move on to Villa Lobos. The chairman of the music department was there. Afterword my guitar teacher told me that maybe I should consider a profession other than music. And so I went into banking.

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That's quite a story, Carl. Believe me, I've had my share of loosing it in front of an audience. Usually it was because I had a scheduled event and something happened with my mom who was in Hospice care for a while. Moments like that, a performer should just bow out. Still, I would never tell a student to move on to something else. I hope you still enjoy playing the guitar. Villa Lobos. Wow!

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Perhaps my favorite Villa Lobos is an Etude in E minor. It has a very simple melody and then crashing dissonant chords that rise to a crescendo. I never played that one well because I couldn't get my right hand to evenly pluck the arpeggios. I don't play guitar at all now. No time. My handmade guitar sits in its case in the garage.

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I've shared this with a friend who is taking piano lessons and just had his first recital. Good insights!

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Thanks Saralyn!

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